What’s Next?
There is a lot of talk about what the world will look like once the global Covid-19 pandemic has been tamed.
Politicians and the media love their slogans and currently “Build Back Better” is the one which has most exposure. People will put different interpretations on it. Some think we will simply return to the way we were before the pandemic took hold while others believe there is an opportunity for us to change our systems fundamentally. When people look at this in a constructive way, all sorts of possibilities emerge.
Social entrepreneurs have been thrust into the forefront of these discussions. They are innovators and leaders with a proven track record of creating substantial impact to make the world a better place. A new organisation has been established, Catalyst 2030, which is a global network of social entrepreneurs which has the clear aim of helping achieve the United Nations SGDs by 2030. This is a tall order and systemic change is needed if these goals are to be achieved. Social entrepreneurs believe that they have a clear role to play which is why there is so much activity and positive discussion in the sector.
There have been some excellent webinars in our own newly formed organisation, the Elders for Social Entrepreneurs, over the past twelve months which have looked at issues like succession planning and moving on. Most social entrepreneurs dislike the word “retirement” because they are committed to various causes which they hope will make the world a better place. They cannot simply step off the planet. So, what role could they play if they want to “move on” from the organisations which they established whilst still playing a key leadership role in a sector which has lofty ambitions?
This is a question which we will be addressing in future webinars and in our regular Soul Sessions. Should the Elders Council for Social Entrepreneurship coordinate wisdom in the sector which help build platforms to help achieve the ambitions of a newer cadre of social entrepreneurs? We would love to hear your views.